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Lifestyle & LivingBooks, Movies & MusicBooksArt, Creativity, and Psychoanalysis

Art, Creativity, and Psychoanalysis

NDIS Support Item Reference No. 03_222100911_0124_1_1

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Art, Creativity, and Psychoanalysis: Perspectives from Analyst-Artists collects personal reflections by therapists who are also professional artists. It explores the relationship between art and analysis through accounts by practitioners who identify themselves as dual-profession artists and analysts. The book illustrates the numerous areas where analysis and art share common characteristics using first-hand, in-depth accounts.

Key Features

  • Vivid reports from the frontier of art and psychoanalysis.
  • Exploration of the relationship between artistic and psychotherapeutic practices.
  • Insights into the creative processes in both art and psychoanalysis.
  • Personal essays by analyst/artists currently practising in both fields.

Additional Information

These essays address the common characteristics and differing goals of each profession, with art leading to the creation of an artwork, and psychoanalysis resulting in the increased welfare and happiness of the patient. The book aims to provide a new understanding of psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic processes from the perspective of art and artistic creativity. By drawing on artistic material from painting, poetry, photography, music, and literature, it highlights what the creative processes in art can contribute to the psychoanalytic endeavour, and vice versa.


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