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How to buy

Learn how to buy in 5 easy steps!

Click on each step to learn more

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Welcome to The Chooze Shop, your friendly online marketplace where shopping is easy and accessible for everyone. Whether you’re an NDIS participant, an older Australian, or just looking for products to help you live more independently, Chooze is here to make it simple.

Here’s how to shop on The Chooze Shop:

  • Browse or Search: Start by exploring our easy-to-use categories or type what you need into the search bar.

  • Filter Your Results: If you want to narrow down your choices, you can filter by brand, subcategory, price, or support item reference number.

  • Add to Cart: When you find something you like, you can add it to your basket in two ways:

    • Quick Add: Click the "Add to Cart" button directly from the product list.
    • Detailed View: Click on the product to learn more about it, then add it to your basket when you're ready.
  • NDIS Claim Option: If you’re using NDIS, you can claim the item on your plan by entering a reason during checkout.

  • Compare Products: Not sure which item to choose? Use our comparison tool to look at different products side by side.

  • Proceed to Checkout: When you're done shopping, go to your basket and follow the simple steps to complete your purchase.

We’re here to help you find exactly what you need, quickly and easily. Happy shopping at The Chooze Shop!

If you need a little extra help, don't worry—our friendly team is here to help! You can give us a call on 1300 246 693 or fill out this form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.