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Lifestyle & LivingBooks, Movies & MusicBooksMud Boy: A Story about Bullying

Mud Boy: A Story about Bullying

NDIS Support Item Reference No. 03_222100911_0124_1_1

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The sound of Sam's life was like the best piece of music you have ever heard. Everyone liked Sam, and Sam liked himself. But then one day the mud words begin and they get inside his head - and Sam can't hear the music anymore.

Key Features

  • Mud Boy is an illustrated book for ages 5 and up, showing how children can go from being joyfully buoyant to totally deflated when being bullied and teased.
  • Offers advice to get children back to their best.
  • Mud, music and a family cat are used to conjure up the story to children in a very new and real way.

Additional Information

Recovery happens through talking to others about our problems. The book also includes a guide for further talking points by Dr Pooky Knightsmith on how to discuss the topic, and the emotions that come up on reading the book, with children.