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Lifestyle & LivingBooks, Movies & MusicBooksSupervising the Reflective Practitioner

Supervising the Reflective Practitioner

NDIS Support Item Reference No. 03_222100911_0124_1_1

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Development as a reflective practitioner has become an essential quality for practitioners in the fields of health, education and social care. Supervising the Reflective Practitioner provides guidance for supervisors, focusing on what they can do to facilitate the development of reflective practice in supervisees. This accessible book will be of great interest to both supervisors and supervisees who practice clinically in a range of professions, including applied psychology, counselling, psychotherapy, psychiatry and nursing.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Guidance: Offers insights for supervisors on facilitating reflective practice.
  • Practical Examples: Contains personal accounts and illustrations to enhance understanding.
  • Relevant Topics: Covers the importance of reflective practice, its connection with personal and professional development, and key issues in supervision.
  • Applicable Across Professions: Useful for professionals in applied psychology, counselling, psychotherapy, psychiatry, nursing, education, health, and social care.

Additional Information

This book includes methods that can be used in supervision, making it a valuable resource for those looking to support the development of reflective practice in their supervisees.